Club House - Cabochon Making
Instructor: - According to Calendar Linked Here.
Cost: - $5.00 Club House Usage Fee
Materials: - Please bring your own materials or materials can be purchased from
the instructor. These materials include anything from agate, jasper, petrified wood, etc. and can come as either rough, slabs, or preforms.
Required Tools: - Instructor has required tools but you can bring any of your own
tools and supplies. Suggested supply list; waterproof apron, hearing protection, eye
protection, gloves, storage container to hold your items, towels, and cab stencils.
Availability: - see Club House Schedule for specific date and time
Description: - You are only limited by your imagination. Any of the instructors are able to
teach you how to use all the equipment within the club house to craft everything from a
specific calibrated cabochon to a freeform of any design you like.